AIRNF is an organization that aims to provide a dynamic platform for all registered nursing personnel in India. Its primary goals include providing economic, social, political, legal, and cultural support to registered nurses, registered midwives, community health officers or community health nurses, auxiliary nurse midwives, and nursing students. The federation aims to raise awareness and address the challenges faced by the nursing profession, as well as establish support systems and ventures for skill development and mental health support.

Nurses Empowerment

Welfare of Nurses

NITI AAYOG Registration Id : UP/2023/0346486

How Can We Help You ?

Here are some key objectives of the All India Registered Nurses Federation:

Nurses Empowerment

The federation seeks to facilitate, promote, serve, develop, and campaign for the empowerment of nurses, encouraging them to participate to their full potential in their field.

Home Care Nursing Services

The federation aims to provide home care nursing services to patients, ensuring quality care in the comfort of their homes.

Standards and Qualifications

AIRNF strives to establish standards and qualifications for nursing practice, ensuring uniformity and excellence in the profession.

Mutual Transfer Support

The federation helps government nurses find mutual transfer partners to facilitate an easier transfer process.

Welfare of Nurses

AIRNF promotes the welfare of all nurses, including government employees, private sector employees, contractual employees, outsourcing employees, and pensioners.

Student Support and Development

The federation aims to uphold the dignity of the nursing profession among students, promoting team spirit, professional ethics, leadership qualities, effective communication skills, and positive attitudes towards the nursing profession. It encourages students to participate and compete in various events at state, regional, and national conferences.

Economic Welfare and Professional Development

AIRNF works to protect and promote the economic welfare of nurses. It provides professional counseling, placement services, and opportunities for continuing professional development.

Representation and Advocacy

The federation represents nurses and serves as their spokesperson with national and international organizations, government bodies, and the public.

Accordion Item

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Awards and Recognition

AIRNF recognizes outstanding contributions in nursing by conferring the Nurses Ratna Award to nurses who have excelled in the field. It also provides the Student Nurse Ratna Award to students who have shown exemplary work in nursing.

Social Development

The federation actively engages in government and non-government programs aimed at the development of society as a whole.

Nursing Education

AIRNF helps enunciate standards of nursing education and implements them through appropriate channels, ensuring quality education and training for aspiring nurses.